03 About Us
ACT was founded in 2000 by Akihiro Kanai and Masanobu Katori to design sailing boats and ship superior in performance by scientific approach with the most advanced technologies developed through the America's Cup projects. The two founders have worked in the multiple AC events through the teams of Nippon Challenge, One World, GBR Challenge and ETNZ. Technology is the key word of our mission and we have been developing and adopting the up-to-date technologies.
We have been challenging to the wide range of design projects for a new racing yacht having competitive high performance and a ship having low energy consumption and new concept to fit to the ecological era's requirement.
Akihiro Kanai has graduated twice, with a Masters in Aeronautics & Astronautics from Stanford University in California and a Masters in Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering at the University of Tokyo. He has also got a PhD in Naval Architecture from the University of Tokyo in 1998. He has spent 10 years in the three America's Cup teams including Nippon Challenge and GBR Challenge working as a principal technical member in charge of hull form and appendage design, tank testing and VPP analysis. He also contributed to the sailing performance analysis during the 2 boat testing and races. Recently he has been involved in some design projects for racing dinghies and started up the high performance racing yacht projects. Another interest has been going to the reduction of energy consumption of commercial ship from ecological aspect.
Jun 2022: Seahorse Magazine
Oct 2019: Press release of Wind Challenger
Dec 2018: KAZI Magazine
Feb 2015: KAZI Magazine
Dec 2011: FUJI TV program ばらす #45 「ヨット ACT-GP33」
Feb 2010: Marubeni MSYS
Sep 2009: KAZI Magazine
Jul 2009: Seahorse Magazine
Apr 2008: Ocean Newsletter